Saturday, May 27, 2006
The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown
Is it possible that everything that we’ve ever been taught about Jesus, the Bible, and Christianity is not only untrue, but the product of a conspiracy that has lasted for nearly 2,000 years? That is exactly what Dan Brown, the author of international best seller The DaVinci Code, wants you to consider. Absolutely impossible? Not according to Brown.
Does all of this seem confusing to you? If so, you’re not alone. Christians have certainly been taken aback with implications of the book. On the flip side, the book has created quite a stir among those who do not consider themselves Christians. The implications of the book not only confirm their belief that there is no validity to the claims of Christianity, but that it is the product of a massive cover-up. So, as the world prepares for the release of the movie (with “A” list director Ron Howard and star Tom Hanks), here’s the dirt on The DaVinci Code.
Why is everyone so freaked out?
The ideas and theories in The DaVinci Code are certainly not new. Some of them are centuries old. However, three things about this book and upcoming movie have thrust it into the limelight.
First, the success of the book has made the world (literally) pay attention. It has sold over 40 million copies world wide in hardback. It seems like everyone has read the book.
Second, while the story is fiction, the author states on the opening “fact” page that “All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals in this novel are accurate.” The problem is that Brown’s claim isn’t true. He deftly mixes small amounts of history with massive amounts of fiction. Despite coming under attack from everyone from theologians to historians to art professors (many of whom are not Christians) Dan Brown has staunchly maintained that the novel is based on fact and truth.
Third, the novel blurs the line between fact and fiction. This has led many people to believe the claims that the book makes against Christianity. Those who do not know the truth have begun to question their faith. If even one of the claims of the book is true, it would mean that Christianity as we know it is a complete sham.
What is the book/movie all about?
The plot of the book is basically this…A Harvard professor accidentally stumbles upon a clandestine society that has been sworn to protect a secret as old as the church itself. This hidden “truth” is that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had children. This has been suppressed by the church for centuries while a secret group has guarded the secret. In a nutshell, here are the major ideas that are presented as factual.
The divinity of Jesus was not a doctrine of the church until a group of bishops voted on it.
Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a child.
There were many records of the life of Jesus. The ones that told about Jesus and Mary were suppressed by the church. Then, Emperor Constantine edited and changed the story into the four gospels to support the new idea that Jesus was divine.
The earliest records of Jesus (Gnostic gospels) do not appear in the New Testament have only been recently discovered.
The original religion of Jesus was pagan oriented and included ritualistic sex.
Is any of this true?
Here’s the rub: Brown does such a good job of mixing fact and fiction that the average person can’t tell where one stops and the other begins. While there isn’t enough space here to go into all the details (and others have done this already), the simple answer is an emphatic “NO!” Scholars (sacred and secular) have dismissed the “facts” of the book as untrue. The truth is that there is little of it in The DaVinci Code. This goes not just for the theology, but for the history and art interpretation. In fact, Brown is currently embroiled in a lawsuit for allegedly plagiarizing most of his book. If Brown would have said from the beginning that it was all fiction, it would have caused a lot less stress on everyone. The problem is that he maintains that it is all true.
How should I respond to this?
Be Constructive
Many times Christians are only known for protesting against things. However, this is a tremendous opportunity to present the truth. It is rare that so many people are investigating the history and origins of the church and Bible. A critical or condescending attitude will not garner positive results. Share the truth in a constructive manner to those who question it.
Be Cautious
If you haven’t read the book or seen the movie, don’t talk like you have. This will only reduce your credibility when talking with someone about them. If you don’t have firsthand knowledge, you can say something like, “While I haven’t read the book, I understand that it questions much of what we know to be true.”
Even when defending the background and origins of the Bible, make sure that you have your facts straight. If we criticize Dan Brown for confusing fact and fiction, we are no better if we are guilty of the same.
Be Conversational
Dan Brown has given us the opportunity of a lifetime. The DaVinci Code has caused people to investigate the truth of Christianity. The good news is that we have the truth on our side. We have no reason to be afraid of The DaVinci Code or its agenda and message. Rather than proclaiming that people are wrong, allow them to ask questions. Then, be prepared to present the facts that the Bible is indeed trustworthy and Jesus is the Son of God.
Rating: 2 Stars
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