Wednesday, August 02, 2006


A Mind for God by James Emery White

"RIF: Reading is Fundamental" A Mind is a terrible thing to waste. This is your brain: this is your brain on drugs. Remember those slogans about developing your mind? Here's the question: as a Christian, are you developing your mind? James White gives ample reasons and suggestions as to exactly how a Christian can and should. He covers everything from developing a "rule" for reading (ala St. Benedict) to sacred thinking. Not only that, three book lists are included, which are worth the price of the book. These lists are...

1. Ten books to start
2. Twenty-five books toward a Christian worldview
3. One hundred books to enter the great conversation

Filled with a wealth of great reasons to think and read from a Christian perspective, this book is highly recommended. It is short and can be read over a weekend. The one criticism is that much of the material is a repeat from his fantastic work titled "Serious Times." If your read that book, much of it will be a repeat. Regardless, it is great motivation to follow in the footsteps of great Christian thinkers.

Rating: 3 Stars

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