Sunday, July 24, 2005
A Spy's Journey, by Floyd Paseman

I was at the library with my kids on Friday and did something that I've never done...I picked up a book that I knew nothing about. It was on the "New Releases" shelf and I got a wild hair. I ended up reading it over the weekend (while I should have been reading a book for my discussion group!)
This is the memior of a career CIA agent who did just about everything immaginable and served all over the world. If you ever wanted to know what a spy does and how he does it, this book will tell you. Of course, he can't reveal any names of people or places, but that isn't really important. The book reads more like short stories and recollections that are somewhat connected by chronology than a year by year account.
One of the more enjoyable aspects of the book is the wide variety of stories. They range from breathtaking operations to KGB encounters to idiot bosses to practical jokes. It is very entertaining reading. The end kind of peters out as he is finishing up his career in management, though. Overall, not a bad read for a weekend. It certainly makes you appreciate all those people who are out there lurking around in dark alleys for the good ol' stars and stripes.
Rating: Two Stars