Wednesday, July 27, 2005
The Firm by John Grisham

Okay, Okay. This isn't quite the intellectual meal that Mere Christianity was, but everyone needs some sweets every now and then. Which is exactly what Grisham is: cotton candy. After working through several heavy, mentally challenging books, I decided to go back to an old standby: The Firm. This was the first Grisham book I read and one of the first books I latched on to after college (probably rebellion against the books I was forced to read there.) I remember thinking, "I never knew reading could actually be fun and interesting!"
My friend Phil and I used to joke that the church we worked at really was the Firm. We had both come from situations where life and ministry was difficult and working here was like a dream come true. We actually had bosses we liked, got paid reasonable well, got Christmas bonuses, etc. We just kept waiting for the day when Ben (our Sr. Minister) would call us in to his office and say, "We need to fill you in on some things. This church is really funded by the Mafia. You've been under constant surveillance since you arrived and you have no hope of leaving...EVER! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!" (insert evil mad scientist laugh here.) I'm still waiting for that dreaded summons to the big office.
The Firm is a classic legal thriller. It is like cleansing your pallet after dinner. It's not rocket science or theology, but it sure if fun. I think I've read it about five times now. Even the pages are starting to fall out of the book. In case you've seen the movie the book is 1,000 times better than the movie.
Rating: Three Stars
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I just finished going on a Grisham binge. In the course of about 3 weeks, I read his new book, "The Broker," and I also re-read "Bleachers," "The King of Torts" (my LEAST favorite Grisham book), "The Last Juror," "A Time to Kill," and "The Testament" (my FAVORITE Grisham book of all time). I know it's not challenging reading, but then again, it's my mind and I'll fill it with what I want. Besides, I'm too cheap to buy a bunch of new books!
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