Monday, August 22, 2005
Band of Brothers by Stephen Ambrose

"We're supposed to be surrounded: we're paratroopers." My favorite quote from one of my all time favorite books. Band of Brothers is the story of E Company in the 506 Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101 Airborne Division during WWII. This company fought in every major battle in Europe: D-Day in Normandy, Market Garden, The Battle of the Bulge in Bastogne, Germany. They eventually overran Hitler's hideout: the Eagle's Nest.
What makes the story so compelling to read are the characters. The hated Captain Sobel, the beloved Captain Winters, the worthless lieutenant Dike, and all the rough and tough sergeants. They grew from teenagers to men during their 2 1/2 years together. You really identify with all of them.
The HBO mini-series was absolutely fantastic and you should watch it. However, the book was even better. In fact, you will understand the movie much better if you read the book first. Like everything I learn about this generation, this story just makes me stand in awe of them. I'm positive my generation couldn't have done the same things. Great stories of brotherhood, heartache, heroism, dedication, and leadership. An absolute must read for everyone. You definitely won't regret it.
Rating: 3 Stars