Friday, September 09, 2005


The Book Store

Yesterday was an absolute whirlwind of a day. The day began 7:30am teaching Greek and ended at 10:00pm teaching a class at church on Bible study resources. In between, it was a non-stop barage of conversations, hospitals, problems, errands, meetings, "I only need to talk to you for a minute" meetings that lasted 30, solutions, and open house for my kids at school. In between hospital visits and an early lunch meeting, I discovered an empty hour in my schedule. So, I was just going to sleep in my car in the restaurant parking lot (that's the kind of week it has been--that I would actually consider that kind of sleep desirable.) But, as I pulled into the parking lot, I saw a gift from heaven--BORDERS!

I almost cried. What a blessing to have a free hour in a bookstore in the midst of a crazy day. It was like a cool drink of water while walking in the desert. I was reminded that I absolutely LOVE bookstores. Stepping through the doors was like entering the secret treasure room. The "Literature" section called my name. That was the fastest hour I've had in a long, long time. I didn't walk out with any new books (it's hard to pay retail with the internet), but my soul was definitely refreshed and I thanked God for the little blessing of the book store.

So, what is your favorite bookstore to get lost in? Which section do you usually end up in?

My favorite bookstore is in Joplin. It is called Hastings. I have read many good books in that store. The best part is you can hide books in the Christian Living section and no one messes with them.
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